Have Diabetes? Keep Track of Your Numbers!
Date: 03/14/22
Diabetes keeps your body from turning food into energy. It can cause problems with your eyes, kidneys, nerves, and feet. It can also harm your heart and blood vessels. When diabetes is not under control, it can make it hard to live your life to the fullest.
A good way to help manage your diabetes is to check your blood sugar level. Getting regular blood sugar readings can help your doctor decide the amount of medication you need to take. Blood sugar testing can also help you see what foods and activities affect your blood sugar levels.
Don’t forget to bring your blood sugar log and glucose meter with you to all your appointments. Your glucose meter will come at no cost to you. In your log, you can also keep track of other important numbers like your weight and cholesterol levels. You can bring your log to future appointments and track your progress! You can access and print the log here or screenshot the one below.
As a Louisiana Healthcare Connections member, you can earn $50 in My Health Pays® rewards for completing your diabetes care screenings. To get your rewards you must complete all of the following once in the calendar year: HbA1c test, kidney screening, and retinopathy screening (dilated eye exam).
To learn more about diabetes visit http://louisianahealthconnect.kramesonline.com/3,S,89509.