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Kick The Habit This Year - For Free!

Date: 01/24/18

This week, January 22-27, is National Non-Smoking Week, and what better way to kick off the New Year than quitting smoking? Smoking kills more than 6,500 Louisiana residents each year. It also leads to many chronic diseases and conditions that cause long-term suffering.

Reasons To Quit

  • Lower your risk for cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes
  • Save money for things that are more important to your family
  • Cough less and breathe better
  • Have whiter teeth and fresher breath
  • Get your sense of smell and taste back

What happens when you quit

  • Within 8 hours: The carbon monoxide levels in your body drop to a normal level.
  • Within 24 hours: The chance of having a heart attack begins to decrease.
  • Within 3 months: Your lung function begins to improve.
  • Within 9 months: Coughing and shortness of breath begins to decrease.
  • Within 1 year: Your risk of a heart attack drops sharply.
  • Within 5 years: Your stroke risk is similar to a non-smoker’s, and your risk of cancer is cut in half.

How To Quit

No matter what your reasons are for quitting, you can get help to be successful. In Louisiana, you can get free help to stop smoking. These services are free to all Louisiana residents age 13 and older who are ready to quit smoking now. Here’s how to get help:

  • Visit You can enroll online here to get access to all the tools and support you need to stop smoking.
  • Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669): The Louisiana Tobacco Quitline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Quitline has trained Quit Coaches standing by to help build a quit kit for you and to give you tips and support.