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Three Ways To Get Your Kids To Eat Healthier

Date: 09/27/17

With so many unhealthy food options, it’s not always easy getting kids to eat healthy. But taking these few simple steps can help to improve your child’s health.

Avoid placing restrictions on food.

Limiting the amount of food your child eats can increase the risk of eating disorders later in life. It can also affect your child’s growth and development. Instead, focus on choosing healthier foods for your family. Encourage your family to choose fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy.

Don’t label foods as “good” or “bad.”

Instead, tie foods to the things your child cares about, like sports or doing well in school. Lean protein like turkey and calcium in dairy can give them strength for sports. The antioxidants in fruits and vegetables can improve the look of skin and hair. And eating a healthy breakfast can help them focus in class.

Prepare meal plates in the kitchen.

Preparing plates in the kitchen can prevent overeating. Your children will learn to recognize healthy portion sizes instead of loading up their plate at the dinner table.

To learn more ways to encourage healthy eating, visit: